Para leer más sobre el comunicado del Partido de la Libertad Individual, P-Lib, sobre la liberación de Raif Badawi, pincha AQUÍ. |
Cuando todo Occidente cuenta como aliado a la monarquía saudí, en su trastienda se siguen proscribiendo los derechos humanos más básicos como la libertad de conciencia. ¿Cuál es el delito de Badawi? Haber fundado el blog “Saudíes Liberales”.
Para realizar presión por la liberación de Raif, el P-Lib pide que se le conceda el prestigioso Premio de la Libertad de la Internacional Liberal en su edición 2014.
READ THE LETTER TO Human Rights Officer of the Liberal International
Ms Tamara Dancheva,
Human Rights Officer of the Liberal International,
August 29th, 2013
Dear Ms Dancheva,
On behalf of Spain’s Individual Liberty Party (P-LIB), I hereby submit the candidacy of liberal political and conscience prisoner Mr Raif Badawi to the LI’s Prize for Freedom 2014, as agreed today by our
Federal Executive Committee.
We believe Mr Badawi fulfills all four nomination criteria. As a blogger and promoter of Liberalism,
he has consistently fought for Human Rights, including religious tolerance (criterion 1), and he’s suffered
terrible consequences including charges that led to death penalty being considered, and a final sentence
including brutal physical punishment and long term imprisonment. In his capacity as a publisher of liberal
advocacy articles, his efforts have encouraged other freedom fighters in one of the most tyrannic dictatorships in the world, Saudi Arabia (criterion 2), and internationally. The award would undoubtedly increase
international pressure on the Saudi regime to release Mr Badawi from his unfair imprisonment, or at least
to improve his well being (criterion 3). Mr Badawi is not an LI party leader (criterion 4).
Although, obviously, Mr Badawi cannot personally travel out of Saudi Arabia, we are certain the
LI would find the way to have the award collected on his behalf by a relative, an appropriate representative
of the Saudi Arabian exiled opposition or a high representative of the Human Rights advocacy community.
About the biographic and political information requested, we refer the Wikipedia article and the LI and
AAFD press releases on Mr Badawi’s unfair trial and imprisonment.
Yours faithfully,
Juan Pina,
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